I signed up for this race 2 days ago. I had wanted to sign up for it when registration went live, but totally forgot about it. This race fills up pretty quick, only 600 runners max, and it did sell out. For whatever reasons, they had to move the date of the race, so slots opened. I basically thought this would be a good training run for the Quivering Quads coming up.
I bought Yaktrax because of the snow. I have never ran in these before, but what a blessing they were! A girl in front of me had on some old trainers and she was slipping and sliding all over the place. I felt very grounded most of the run. Highly recommend!
Yaktrax. |
I have never really ran in the snow before, but it sucked. Especially when it wasn't packed down, it seriously felt like I was running on sand. The first mile, there is this awful hill. I've hiked it several times, but even on good conditions running up that hill would SUCK.
Up we go! |
The view down the hill. |
I knew after that hill that the race was going to suck. A mile in and I was dead tired. But I found a good stride and kept on. The downhill portion was especially fun. It was very difficult to pass people on the trails, so I was always tracking someone.
My "buddy" for a while. |
Somewhere there was this weaving uphill portion, around mile 3 and that sucked! I was behind several people that were walking, not that I'm complaining!! When we got to the top of the hill, I was running in a good pack and just kept up with them. That's about the only part of the race were I felt good.
My new running buddies. |
Around mile 5 is when I really crapped out. There was a water break and then this huge uphill...again. I knew it was going to get bad. Basically, I ran what I could, but walked a lot. I just kept counting down the miles and dreamt of food and water.
More uphills, weeee! |
I do have to say that the weather was gorgeous!! I was so nervous about running in the snow, but never once was I cold...until we had to cross a creek around mile 8 or so. It wasn't that cold, but made for some soggy running.
I really struggled to finish, but I did.
Finally at the finish! |
I placed horribly. I knew I did bad, but I didn't think it was 'that' bad. Oh well, just one of those days I guess.
431/471 |
I had a really hard time after the race. I was sooo hungry, so I stopped at Sonic for some grub and didn't even make it home before I had to puke. I stopped in some vacant parking lot to unload (sorry, trying not to be graphic) and then made it home and really puked. IT WAS AWFUL. Why am I puking?? I don't understand. Did I just push myself too hard?
I'm really nervous about the trail half marathon in a month. Ugggg. I want to drop out, but will give it some time. I am doing a YMCA sprint triathlon in a week and I'm really looking forward to that!!! I've been swimming laps and that's been going really well. I really enjoy being back in the pool.
Can you find me?? Fins, circa 1994?? Front row, third from the left. |