Sunday, July 28, 2013

14 Miler

Today I joined the Big River Running training team at the Katy Trail. The schedule that they sent out said the advanced marathoners would be running 12-14 miles today. I have been following the advanced marathon training schedule not because I'm advanced... but because my marathon falls in early October, whereas most of the people training for a marathon are running the late October marathon here in St. Louis.

The pacer that I ran with two weeks ago couldn't make it today, so I ran with another girl that was supposed to be at a 9-10 minute pace (I run 9:30 to 10 minutes pace for my long runs). She wasn't in the mood to run 14 miles (only was going to do 12), so I knew I'd be on my own for a bit. However, when we started running we were at a 9:17 pace. I knew I wasn't going to be able to last 14 miles at that pace, so I slowed down. I ended up running 14 miles today, 13 which were by myself. Next time my pacer is gone, I'm going to get in the 10-10:30 pace group... Lesson learned.

The first half of my run went really well. I felt strong and the weather was BEAUTIFUL. Plus, I was running on the Katy Trail and this was my first time on that trail. I wish I took some photos.

Like most of my runs lately, I crapped out. This time around mile 9. For the last 5 miles, I ran what I could, walked a lot, and kept thinking about food. I must not be getting enough energy because hunger seems to be slowing me down. I hate energy gels, hate the fruit chews. I just can't find anything that doesn't make me want to puke. I did have nuun in my water, and I did like that.

I am not happy with this run. Why did I sign up for a marathon again??


Friday, July 26, 2013

July Training

I haven't updated in a while, but I promise I've been out there running.

July Training
I did take a break on my long run last weekend because I was out of town enjoying life. My last long run was with the Big River Running training team and I really enjoyed it!! It was so nice running with others and they really motivated me to keep running. I really started to crap out the last two miles, but they stayed with me (until I flat out had to walk it). I am running with them again this weekend, planning for 14 miles on the Katy Trail. Super excited because I've never been on the Katy Trail.

We are having incredible weather at the moment. The most amazing running weather (lows in the 50s tonight, high 70s tomorrow). Hope we keep this nice weather in August.

I'm heading to Vancouver for the SeaWheeze in August. I'm SUPER excited for the race. I'm hoping for a PR... but we'll see. Might not happen since the SeaWheeze last year was my slowest half marathon EVER. Although scenic, it's a crowded race (running on bike paths and such).

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Trail Running

I signed up to train with the Big River Running fall training team. We have a meeting next week and the running starts next Saturday. I'm really looking forward to running with others, but a bit nervous about being able to keep up. I've been slacking on my long training runs, mainly because it's just boring spending the amount of time running by yourself. Instead, I've been enjoying running the trails. I was flying down the trail this morning when I tripped and banged up my left leg. Hurt my ego a bit.

I posted one of my photos on 500px and I'm very pleased with the rating!! You can see it here: Sparkling Sky.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom 4 Miler

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays, so I really wanted to dress patriotic for this race.

On my way to the race!
I wanted to run some extra miles, so I ran from home to the race start, which is just under 2.5 miles. I had a good 10 minute rest before the official start of the race. I was sweating extremely bad, so I felt pretty silly.

I absolutely loved the race route. There was the right amount of hills, got to run down Leonor K. Sullivan, great views of the Arch and Busch Stadium... Lots of patriotic people out there and welcomed the National Guard to the finish line.

Even saw these guys rolling their keg to the finish line:

That has got to be tiring.
I'm okay with my finish time. I think I could have done better if I didn't run to the race... I was even going to run home after the finish, but I got lazy and called my husband to come get me :).

Almost there. Love these horrible pics.
Happy Independence Day!

Smiling at the Finish!