Saturday, February 22, 2014

Castlewood Cup 15k

I didn't think this race could get any worse. Last year, it was colder and the ground was snow-packed. This year... MUDDY. The weather was great!! I do admit that I am undertrained, but damn.

Ready to head to Castlewood!
The line for the shuttle was way long... I made it to Castlewood with 10 minutes to spare; however, a lot of people were still waiting for a ride to the park, so the race was delayed for 10 minutes. I would have been annoyed it if was cold outside, but since the temps were nice... whatever.

I was in the last wave. Ok, fine. I'm slow, esp. on the trails. That first climb in the first mile is killer. I walked the entire hill because I wanted to save myself for the rest of the race (8-ish miles!). I was looking forward to a downhill segment, but it was super muddy. I ran most of it, and I do have to say that my shoes were amazing in the muddy conditions. I felt totally stable. The shoes were my only saving grace.

Mile 5
I got to mile 5 and was feeling okay. I conserved a lot of my energy and was excited for the finish. Then there was another uphill climb that I walked and as we got to the top of the hill, there was a fork and I followed the girl in front of me. So fucking stupid. I totally knew at the time that we should have went the other way, but I'm a follower, always have been.

I stopped and asked the two other girls behind me if they thought we were going the wrong way and we were all unsure. I asked the leader and she said that this is a training run, so it didn't matter to her anyway. BAH. I figured out where we were and then we met up with the trail that we already ran. I was back to mile 4 (seriously!!!). By the time I got to the mile 5 refuel area, they were closing down. They were informed that all runners had passed. Therefore, no water and then I'd have to run (ok walk) that big uphill part again. I told them I was going to drop out, but they told me that I could catch up with the race official walking the course. I went for it and started to climb the hill, but then I was like, I'm already at mile 7... I have 4 more to go if I continue on the race route, and then I got totally frustrated. I turned around, and told them I was going to drop out. I started to run towards the shuttle pick up, but then I ran into the runners at another street crossing. I informed the race crew person that I was one of the 4 who got "lost", and if I could pick it up right there. They were fine with it, but I felt guilty because I was a 1/2 mile behind the others. They let me go, and I was able to finish the race. So... I only ran 8.82 miles,

Finally done!
Once again I'll say that this race isn't for me. I hated every second of this race. If I sign up for this next year, please remind me (someone) that I hate it.

I had a 40 minute drive home and when I pulled into my parking pad, I opened the door and just puked violently. It was awful. I can't figure it out. Does this happen to anyone else?? I ran the Skippo 20k in November, and had such a great time!! I felt amazing!!

I'm supposed to do the Quivering Quads Half Marathon in 2 weeks, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop out. I don't want to feel like death, and I for sure don't want to drive one hour home after running maybe 5 hours.

I do have to say that I was passing some of the earlier waves before I got lost, and that was awesome!!

Here are some photos that someone posted on Facebook, showing the conditions of the trail (source):

Looking at these pictures is bringing back bad memories. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Castlewood Cup Entry

I forgot to mention that I got an entry into the CC. This race SUCKED for me last year. I can't believe I'm going to attempt it again.

CC 2013 Finish
The race is on February 22, and I'm scared. I just hope it isn't too cold outside. If it is, I might just sit this one out and do the Mardi Gras Run for Your Beads 5k instead. They give you hurricanes at the water stations. Now THAT'S my kind of race!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Yoga and Running...

The yoga bender is over, and guess what? I actually did it!
280 bender participants started out.
27 competed the 30 day challenge.
1 person won the drawing for a year membership.
And it was not me... Boo. But I did get a reduced membership rate. Still seems a bit expensive, but it's so worth it!!! I already feel stronger and healthier after one month of yoga. I won't be going every day, but I do plan on going at least 3 times a week. Totally do-able.

HOWEVER, I did get into the 2014 SeaWheeze!! I tried to register January 23, but the system crashed and they closed registration until today. It sold out in under an hour!! That's 10,015 spots. Why the 15? I guess to celebrate 15 years of lululemon.

Can't wait to get back to Vancouver and see what lulu has in store for us this year.

SeaWheeze 2012: Link here.
SeaWheeze 2013: Link here.

Here is a photo I took during my 2013 trip:

Vancouver Sunset