This was my first time in Ferguson, so I really had no idea what to expect (topography wise).
See me? :) |
I knew it wasn't going to be flat, but I didn't expect a long uphill climb at the beginning. The first 3 miles were mainly uphill. But if you go up, you must come down (saving grace)!! My second half was much faster than the first! I'm surprised I had that much speed in me after chugging uphill. When we got the the 4 mile mark, we joined w/ the 5k'ers. Which was a pain in the ass. The 5k race started 20 minutes after the 10k'ers, so by the time we joined them, most of the participants were walking... and there were so many of them. Ugggggg. I had to weave around so many walkers, and I knew I could have a PR at the pace I was going. So I was a little rude and cut some people off (sorry).
But... I PR'd!!! I can't believe it. I finished in 55:37, which is 3 1/2 minutes off my last PR. In my division (F 30-39), I placed 13/105.
Not the most flattering picture, but happy I PR'd. |
I'm super happy with the results today!! I think that my favorite part of the race was the community. There were so many residents hanging outside and routing for the runners. A nice lady was even handing out water.
Drrrrr! |
I think I successfully scored the worst race photos of my life!!