Then we walked and walked and walked. We walked on average 11 miles each day - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. SMART. I also ate a ton. Mmmm.
I was nervous race morning. I knew I was going to be tired... but it was cold. The weather was right around freezing. I was worried about over dressing and I meant to leave my jacket with Josh. I ended up taking my jacket since I was going to be waiting in my corral for an hour before the start. I'm glad I did. I looked pretty funny waiting for the race to start.
When the race started, I was sore. I kind of thought it was going to turn into a shit show. My toes and fingers were also a bit numb. I did not check my pace, I just went with how I felt. The first 6 miles were in Central Park, and it was quiet and calming. There were rolling hills and it reminded me of Tower Grove Park. It felt like home. Around the 2nd mile I started to get a bit warm. I tied my jacket around my waste and I just kept on moving.
We exited Central Park and headed onto the city streets on 7th Avenue. It now felt like a different race. It was louder and felt much cooler. I put back on my jacket and I felt strong. We were also running alongside the kid race. That was way cool as well!
Running through Times Square was ah-mazing!!! It gave me so much energy. There were so many people along the race course, but especially here.
We then took 42nd Street all the way to 11th Ave/West St. We were on this for over three miles and I could see Freedom Tower most of the way. I was in a bit of pain, but running towards Freedom Tower gave me such a powerful feeling. I kept thinking about 9/11 and what that was like for people observing it first hand.
I still didn't know my pace and if I was on track for a PR or a sub-2 hour half marathon. I honestly didn't expect to do well since I was tired and on vacation. I just wanted to enjoy my race and take in all of the experiences. I felt like I was moving fast, but really had no clue. We made our way through the tunnel and the uphill exit was painful. I also started to warm up again, so I tied my jacket around my waist.
I finished with a time of 2:01:39, which is a new PR!! I couldn't believe it. I stopped at all water breaks, I took photos, and just did what my body wanted to do. My goal was to use this race as a training run for a couple half marathons in April. I didn't come in under 2 hours... but I was close. It better happen this year.
I LOVED this race. It's one of my favorites. The support from the crowd was never ending and I just loved running NYC.