Because of COVID-19, most races have been cancelled/postponed. I've done 4 virtual races.
Tenacious Ten (April 4) - - I was really looking forward to doing this race in Seattle. I was supposed to meet up with a friend and we had a whole weekend planned, but obviously that didn't happen. I ran from home to Tower Grove Park and back home. I ran the 10 miles with a time of 1:34:52 (9:29/mi pace).
Stay Home Virtual Half Marathon (April 18) - - Vacation Races put on a fun virtual event with the following tagline:
Run where you play have to run because you can't go anywhere else right now.
It was only fitting to start and end this race at home (home - Tower Grove Park - Forest Park - Downtown - home). I accidentally went a little long on this one... 14.19 miles. I finished with a 9:46/mi pace.
SeaWheeze - - Super bummed that we weren't in Vancouver this year for our annual SeaWheeze extravaganza! Oh, I missed it so much! But, I ran both distances: the Half Marathon (August 16) and the 10k (August 20). For the Half, we ran the Katy Trail. The Katy can be a big mind game for me, but I actually felt really good! It's like a never ending tunnel! I finished with a 9:36/mi pace (I ran 13.30) - 2:07:48.
For the 10k, I ran the Forest Park loop. We actually had a cool August morning, so it was very pleasant! Again, I ran a little long (6.36 miles) with a 9:08/mi pace - 58:09. Even though we weren't in Vancouver, lululemon sent me some Vancouver vibes! This is why I love lululemon, they are awesome.