Monday, January 30, 2012

14 Miles Done

Over the weekend I ran my farthest...a whole 14 miles. It was shitty.

I started way too fast. I felt like I was going slow but every time I checked my pace it wasn't where I wanted it to be. I've been training without my fuel belt because I find it highly annoying. Yesterday I decided to run with a water bottle. It does have a handle so I didn't think it would be an issue. I tried to conserve my water but I totally ran out at 7 miles. Every time I saw someone jumping on the trail (Grant's Trail), I seriously wanted to walk up to them, ask if they lived close by and if so...can I PLEASE have some tap water. It was that bad. I was so thirsty. Eventually I started to do the whole run/walk thing because I felt like I had no legs.

Here are my splits (horrible I know):


I did manage to run 13.1 miles in 02:11:39 which is better than my last half marathon. I'm aiming for a 2 hour finish at the October Rock 'n' Roll 1/2.

When I finally got to my car, I slammed whatever water I had and then when got home, I slammed some chocolate milk. Probably wasn't the best idea because I ended up puking. I think I was too dehydrated on this run and totally hungry. When I started the run my stomach was growling a bit. I overslept and just wanted to get the run done. Oops.

I suck at running.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hal Higdon

I just started to read Hal Higdon's book Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide. I seriously wish I started to read this book like 3 months ago. I've come to the conclusion that I don't really know what I'm doing training-wise. I've been doing 2-3 hard weeks followed by a low mileage week and come to find out, that's a good thing. Whew. answer my question about doing yoga once a week, Hal says this:
Strength training can improve your overall fitness, but you do not want to start anything new during your marathon buildup, and some activities need to be eliminated until the marathon is over. Doing a long run in the morning and attending a spinning class (or even a yoga class) in the afternoon is not a good idea.
Yep, definitely done doing yoga for a while. My legs are still a bit sore. Hopefully they will feel better for the 14 mile run this weekend!!!

Guess I need to start working on my nutrition...

Monday, January 23, 2012


Ok, I am finally starting to get nervous about the Marathon. The race is 83 days away!!! Ekkk!

I had a really bad run yesterday... So bad that I called my husband to pick me up 1/2 way through. I set out for 12 miles and only made it 5.68 before giving up. It was misting out and terribly windy. I felt like crap 80% of the time. I was more afraid I was going to ruin my iPhone more than anything as it was getting pretty wet. I waited for Josh outside a coffee shop, freezing and some man was really nice and told me to come in where it was warm. I felt bad because I didn't have any money on me. There are some really nice people out there. I headed to the gym and ran the rest of the miles on the treadmill. It wasn't too bad. I sweated like crazy.

I think my big mistake was doing my first yoga session the day before my 12 mile run (well, I know so). I thought I was pretty flexible, but obviously I am not. I was super sore and my legs felt so heavy even on mile 1. I really enjoyed yoga so right now I am trying to figure out what day is best to do it...or should I start going regularly after the marathon?? I figure it might be good to go on Mondays and after a while, the soreness will definitely go away.

I am scheduled to do a 14 mile run this weekend and I am so scared...this will be my furthest. I'm hoping it's not a disaster. I keep thinking back to when I was training for my first 1/2 and how 8 miles was a big deal...and now it's not hard at all. Maybe some day 14 miles will be a walk in the park? Uggg.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Happenings...

2012 sure is going to be an exciting year!!! I just registered for 3 more races:

March 17: St. Patty's Day 5k. I have a 20 miler scheduled this day, so I thought it would be better to break it up a bit. I will continue to run around downtown and then carry on home.

August 11: The Sea Wheeze in Vancouver, Canada. I will be meeting my best friend Cristen and this will be her FIRST 1/2 Marathon! I'm so excited. The course looks so amazing.


October 21: Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis 1/2 Marathon. I had such a fun time during the 2011 run, figured I just had to do it again. I wonder if it will be the same route?

Of course, still training for the Go! St. Louis Marathon, April 15. They just released pictures of the medals. I cannot wait to get that sucker around my neck.

go medal

Monday, January 9, 2012

Three Months Away!

I ran 11 miles on Saturday and the run was pretty perfect. I used to do my long runs out at Creve Coeur Park, but the last time I ran there it was totally boring. Too flat and too much of the same scenery. I like going there in the summer b/c the trees provide a lot of shade, but just too bland in the winter. Anyways, I ran from home over to Tower Grove Park, then to Lafayette Square, on to the Soulard Farmers Market, and then around the AB Brewery. I thought about running up the bitch hill for a glorious finish, but felt better just to walk it out.

You can track my run here:

So far, training for a Spring marathon has been ten times better than training for the Fall half-marathon. Running in the summer heat was super hard. Training in the cooler months is definitely the way to go, although we have been blessed with super gorgeous weather. I might change my mind when it's below freezing outside.

This is what my week looks like:
Monday - 3 mile tempo
Tuesday - 30 minute cross train
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - 5 mile short
Friday - rest
Saturday - 8 mile long
Sunday - recovery

I'm really liking my training plan. I have high mileage weeks followed by lower mileage weeks. Makes it easy on my social life. I am thinking about running the President's Day Half-Marathon this weekend, but I'm also looking forward to a nice 8 mile run. It's supposed to be a sunny 43 degrees. I have until Wednesday to decide if I want to register...we'll see.

I just wonder if I'm running enough during the week? Pretty soon I'll be picking up more miles during the week. The Marathon is still 3 months away, so I don't want to over do it.

This video really made me laugh:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rants and Raves

How about we start with the rants first...

Rant #1: We celebrated New Years in downtown St. Louis with friends. We had dinner at a nice restaurant (Copia), then went to a bar next door for countdown drinks. It was a great time!! Later we find out that some 25 year old girl was SHOT, not only once, but TWICE, right outside where we had dinner and only a block away from where we were celebrating the New Year. This happened at 12.03 am. Sometimes I really hate St. Louis, but this shit does happen everywhere else, right?

Rant #2: I ran 10 miles on New Years Eve. Not going to was a lot of work. I'm starting out way too fast and I am having a lot of trouble slowing down (until I get really tired). I was feeling really good at 4 miles. So good I was contemplating running a 1/2 marathon. But at mile 6 or 7, I changed my mind quick. It wasn't a bad just wasn't a feel good run.

And now for some raves...yeah!

Rave #1: I got a Garmin Forerunner for Christmas/Hanukkah! I am in love with my new little device: Yup, definitely starting out way too fast. The weather was nice and warm on my 10 mile run, although it was a bit windy. That wind definitely made me feel more tired.

Rave #2: I'm scheduled to do an 11 mile run this weekend...ugg, I hope it isn't a struggle. But thank goodness we are supposed to have nice weather on Saturday (highs in the low 50s).
I'm slightly nervous about the April Marathon. 26.2 miles is going to be a lot of work.

Here is a photo I snapped from New Years. I thought the bar lights were so cool... I probably took this picture as that poor lady was getting shot. C/mon St. Louis shitheads, stop killing our beautiful city.
