Monday, January 9, 2012

Three Months Away!

I ran 11 miles on Saturday and the run was pretty perfect. I used to do my long runs out at Creve Coeur Park, but the last time I ran there it was totally boring. Too flat and too much of the same scenery. I like going there in the summer b/c the trees provide a lot of shade, but just too bland in the winter. Anyways, I ran from home over to Tower Grove Park, then to Lafayette Square, on to the Soulard Farmers Market, and then around the AB Brewery. I thought about running up the bitch hill for a glorious finish, but felt better just to walk it out.

You can track my run here:

So far, training for a Spring marathon has been ten times better than training for the Fall half-marathon. Running in the summer heat was super hard. Training in the cooler months is definitely the way to go, although we have been blessed with super gorgeous weather. I might change my mind when it's below freezing outside.

This is what my week looks like:
Monday - 3 mile tempo
Tuesday - 30 minute cross train
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - 5 mile short
Friday - rest
Saturday - 8 mile long
Sunday - recovery

I'm really liking my training plan. I have high mileage weeks followed by lower mileage weeks. Makes it easy on my social life. I am thinking about running the President's Day Half-Marathon this weekend, but I'm also looking forward to a nice 8 mile run. It's supposed to be a sunny 43 degrees. I have until Wednesday to decide if I want to register...we'll see.

I just wonder if I'm running enough during the week? Pretty soon I'll be picking up more miles during the week. The Marathon is still 3 months away, so I don't want to over do it.

This video really made me laugh:

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