I'm starting to think that trail running might not be my thang... well, maybe just organized trail races. Don't get me wrong, I love running the trails, but kind of on my own terms. The conditions for the Quivering Quads Half Marathon were just SHITTY. No other way to describe it. Rain, mud, tons of creek crossings. I can't even remember how many creek crossings there were, I'd say 15-20. I could be off.
Mile 4 |
The mud was so thick! I was sloshing around, getting stuck, sliding around, and it just sucked. Then the real downpour started and the trails turned into mini creeks. The water was mucky and I couldn't ever tell how deep it was or where the rocks were. I fell on my butt once and almost wiped out a dozen times. I just really wanted to avoid injury, so I took my time and tried to enjoy myself. But... I think I'm done with the trail races. I will hit up the trails on my own... on nice sunny, cool days.
I finished in 3:54:57, a pace of 17:56/min. I walked a ton, not going to lie. I placed 292/341. I figured I'd place worse, looks like lots of people had a tough time. Lots of nice people out there today!!
Conditions report from David at Fleet Feet:
The 14th edition of the Quivering Quads Trail Half Marathon was a tale of two races. For the racers in the front half of the field or so, QQ14 was a seriously muddy but still runnable trail race. For the racers who followed them, however, the recently-melted snow, heavy pre-race rain, and the "icing on the cake" race-day rains led to rapidly rising creeks that turned the event into an unexpected adventure race. How much did the course change during the race? Two prime examples were two creeks that were ankle-deep for the leaders but just an hour or so later had to be crossed with the help of a guide line and fallen logs, respectively. And even with the guide line and log bridge available, these creeks would have been uncrossable had teams of racers not banded together to literally pull each other through. Yes, QQ14 turned half marathoning into a team sport.
Congratulations to everyone who started QQ14. Despite knowing that they were in for a tough slog, they toed the line. Many of them for the first time on the trails or for the first time attempting 13.1 miles. And additional congratulations to everyone who finished. Many of them persevered even when "tough slog" turned out to be too rosy of a definition.
Official photos taken by www.stldigital.com will posted online in the next few days. If you are a racer or spectator who took some photos that you would like to include in the race photo album, please email them - along with a caption - to david@fleetfeetstlouis.com.
I was in the last half and it was so hard!!
You did awesome! The conditions for this half were super hard and made for a very very tough race. A lot of people walked, myself included. I love trails and felt this was a fun race, but it was super hard and the conditions were pretty miserable. But..you did it!