I've been sort of lazy with my running. I've been way too nervous to run outside after work because there continue to be muggings in my neighborhood (shitty way to live, I tell you) and I hate the treadmill. So I try to run on my lunch break when possible, but that doesn't work out so much. I did manage to sign up for the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon in July, and I'm really excited for the race (sold out in 40 minutes)!!!! Plus I finally get to try the Blondie Mary that I've been dreaming about for the last two or so years.
Bistro Don Giovanni's Blondie Mary |
I entered in the NYC Marathon lottery, but I have a good feeling I won't get selected, and that's okay. I just wanted to see if I would get picked (which is in March), but I think I'll be relieved if I don't. It's an expensive race and with the travel costs... BLAH. But it would be a lot of fun too.
I do plan to sign up again for the Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon, which is in August. It's just such a fun race!!!!! I love the atmosphere and the loot. Registration opens in January and I imagine it will sell out quick.
I'm contemplating running the Castlewood Cup again... It's in February, and it nearly killed me when I ran it early this year. It can be really cold in February. Registration should open soon. I'll probably try to nab a spot. I can always give up my spot if the weather looks too frigid.
I am also running again for Stray Rescue in the Go! St. Louis Relay on April 6. Lots of things to look forward to in 2014!!!
Here is a photo I took from the Anheuser-Busch Holiday Lights Tour over the weekend. They offer free beer and you get to walk around the brewery. Very cool!
Anheuser-Busch Holiday Lights |
Oh... I got to meet Ree Drummond. That was pretty awesome!!! She was super nice and friendly.
The Pioneer Woman |