Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fall Running

I've been sort of lazy with my running. I've been way too nervous to run outside after work because there continue to be muggings in my neighborhood (shitty way to live, I tell you) and I hate the treadmill. So I try to run on my lunch break when possible, but that doesn't work out so much. I did manage to sign up for the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon in July, and I'm really excited for the race (sold out in 40 minutes)!!!! Plus I finally get to try the Blondie Mary that I've been dreaming about for the last two or so years.

Bistro Don Giovanni's Blondie Mary
I entered in the NYC Marathon lottery, but I have a good feeling I won't get selected, and that's okay. I just wanted to see if I would get picked (which is in March), but I think I'll be relieved if I don't. It's an expensive race and with the travel costs... BLAH. But it would be a lot of fun too.

I do plan to sign up again for the Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon, which is in August. It's just such a fun race!!!!! I love the atmosphere and the loot. Registration opens in January and I imagine it will sell out quick.

I'm contemplating running the Castlewood Cup again... It's in February, and it nearly killed me when I ran it early this year. It can be really cold in February. Registration should open soon. I'll probably try to nab a spot. I can always give up my spot if the weather looks too frigid.

I am also running again for Stray Rescue in the Go! St. Louis Relay on April 6. Lots of things to look forward to in 2014!!!

Here is a photo I took from the Anheuser-Busch Holiday Lights Tour over the weekend. They offer free beer and you get to walk around the brewery. Very cool!

Anheuser-Busch Holiday Lights
Oh... I got to meet Ree Drummond. That was pretty awesome!!! She was super nice and friendly. 

The Pioneer Woman

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