Great run today!!!
Obligatory pre-race photo. |
I've been sick. I tried to run a few times earlier this week, but my lungs were not happy. I haven't even been going to yoga (b/c I don't want to infest others, really). I didn't know how today would go, but we were gifted with beautiful weather! That's always a bonus. This course is kinda boring, but all the people running makes it so exciting. Also, there's a lot of people out there cheering for you since the parade is after the race. Just a great spirit.
I still have a ton of shit in my lungs, so I coughed the majority of the race. It's gross, I know. I didn't really care about my pace, but when I looked down at my watch after a mile and noticed I was under 9 minute miles, I decided it was time to push it. The Market hill is killer... there were so many times that I wanted to walk it, but kept strong. I'm glad that I didn't give in and walk.
I'm super happy with my place today! Go me!
woot! |
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