This race was very tough. I started out fast, but just after the first mile, I started run/walking. Seriously. My legs felt super heavy. I actually thought to myself that I could just quit the race entirely.
But, I'm stubborn.
That above it the shittiness that I went through. I actually got in a good stride after the 3.5 mark, and that's because it's downhill. The first 3 miles is basically a whole lot of uphill.
My fav. part of the race. The lady pointed at me and said, "You just ran a 10K." |
I finished in 1:00:23. So glad to have this race done. It was great to be out in Ferguson though, and kind of surreal running by the Police Department. I always thought this town was quaint, and the news just makes it sound so ugly. I love Ferguson (but I kinda hate running it, too hilly, lol).
Lovely. |
You and I had nearly the same experience. Shortly after mile 1 I was already wondering how in the world I was going to get through the race. Walking during a race is not normally something I allow myself to do but I couldn't help it in this case. Other than how my body felt, it was a lovely experience. :)