Sunday, February 8, 2015

Run for your Beads 5k

I always love this run because it's around my neighborhood. These are streets I'm always running, so I know the terrain quite well. But.. since the run is held in Jan/Feb, it can be very cold. We were blessed with lovely running weather, starting out around 41 degrees.

Josh and I rode our bikes down to the race start at the Farmers Market. I felt silly wearing my tutu on my bike!

The race starts out up hill and ends down hill. I wasn't paying attention to my pace, and then around mile 1.5 we got to a hurricane stop. I felt the need to stop since it was a Mardi Gras themed race. But, the hurricane was nasty, so I handed it off to Josh. Ended up walking a tenth of a mile. DOH. Looking back, why did I do that?? It was even on a flat.

My favorite part of the race is running through Anheuser-Busch Brewery. It's straight up hill, but it's always memorable.

AB Brewery
We had some nice down hill segments, and then off to the finish. I know I always look horrible in my race photos... and here I just look like a big dork. That tutu was really hard to maintain, it kept wanting to creep up! Drrr.

Race Finish
This may be my last time running in a tutu.

Anyways, super happy with my results... even though I walked for that disgusting hurricane. I didn't even notice how fast I was running.  I should have paid better attention to my pace.

Hurricane No Bueno!
And we got to celebrate with better tasting hurricanes at the finish!

Post-Race Hurricane

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